
The following certificate was issued as a non-fungible token on: 9/18/2022 7:51:39 AM UTC

Contracts Scanned: METADROID, MTDDividendTracker, MTD, DividendPayingToken, ERC20, Ownable, Context
Token ID: 31e1d432ac

Token URL: https://www.rugscreen.com/scan/certificate?tokenid=31e1d432ac
Scanned By: 0x4036cDCcB8fFc249FF43d766aA17822ABbAc0ac0         
Contract Address: 0x096D25018a4900cAA2271B2FF72b752E6b64BdCc
Scanned On: 9/18/2022 7:51:39 AM
Scanned From IP Address:
Score: 0.2250


This certificate only applies to the specific contracts scanned.

Scan started at: 9/18/2022 7:52:12 AM UTC
57,455 total comparisons made for this scan.
Function: swapAndSendDividends(uint256 tokens) private
Contains: balanceOf(address(this)): 0 points
Contains: transfer near balanceOf(address(this)): 0.05 points
Mitigating factor: within swapAndSendDividend function
Contains: ERC20 near balanceOf(address(this)): 0.1 points
Mitigating factor: within swapAndSendDividend function
Transfer function contains: comparison of from/to/sender/recipient to owner address: 0.125 points
Mitigating factor: Comparison to Maximum Transaction Constant 

Transfer function contains: comparison of from/to/sender/recipient to owner address: 0.185 points
Mitigating factor: Ownership is renounced.
Transfer function contains: comparison of from/to/sender/recipient to non-zero address: 0.195 points
Mitigating factor: Ownership is renounced.
Transfer function contains: comparison of from/to/sender/recipient to non-zero address: 0.205 points
Mitigating factor: Ownership is renounced.
Contract contains: an ability to mint tokens within a project that isn't a yield farm: 0.215 points
Mitigating factor: Owner is unable to call the mint function directly.
Contract contains: a function that can change the router after launch: 0.225 points
Mitigating factor: Ownership is renounced.
0.225 Points. Probably Not A Rug